I was laughing to Fabulous Hubby this afternoon when I got done with my run. I was hot and tired and had just finished at least 3 miles of hillsides in about 49 minutes with a heart rate average of 156 bpm. It was barely 2 months ago when I started this phase of exercise that I was in the same hot and tired shape. I had walk/ran 1 mile around the flat course for about 20 minutes with a heart rate average of about the same if not higher. That is Progress, no doubt.
I have mentioned the hills that I walk quite a few times and thought now might be a good time to show you what they look like. The next part of this posting is lots of description of where I spend my time on the trail, so it is kind of odd, but the pictures are pretty.
See the bit of hayfield on the right hand side between the two tree lines? My house is to the left of that field behind the trees. The start of my run goes from the house down that lower tree line, back up the road that is below the hillside between me and the cows, past those bushes on the left side of the picture, and then in the gate where I follow the fence line (out of view) back down the hill to the right in this picture and around to the get to the top of the ridge where I am taking this picture.
I continue to the left and out the gate I came in. Then go to the next field. This is another view about half way up another slope. I go up the inside of the fence on the right and to the right in the back and circle that small field and then come back to a gate on the right and go back up the outside of the same fence and around the back of that field that you see in the distance. See the trees on the right?
From this location you can see those trees below the edge of the hillside. Another thing about this picture, if you look between those pines on the left side, you can just about see the spot from where I took the first picture.
On my left out of the picture is a tree line that slopes back down the ridge, crosses a fence line, and then up again to become that way back line of trees you might have noticed in the first picture. I get there by heading to that fence line, circling back to the gate I came in, then up to the top of the ridge and in the gate of the last field. I go around the edges of that one - the dogs and I avoid the cows when we can and walking quietly through them if we can't - and out the gate I came in again. Then go back down the road and up the driveway to the house. This route wouldn't be so long or tough if I could stick to the tree line, but since I have to do a sort of clover leaf rout along the fences it is a very effective workout.
Whew! I got tired just thinking about it. I hope you didn't get lost out there in the field trying to keep up with me... but hey, we missed the cow pies!
Just in case you are looking for those twenty pounds I found about five of them I am looking to give back LOL CONGRATS Sandy that is a major feat. Keep it up
Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you
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