Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rebuilding Season

So this was a... shall we say "relaxing" week? LOL
Ok, I procrastinated my cardio experiences to the evenings and then only made it onto the bike one time - and that was on Friday, but for an hour and a half! I was supposed to do 7 miles outside on Saturday, but that didn't happen because of the cold.

Then I read this article, it is from the NY Times and titled "Too Cold to Exercise? Try Another Excuse". Made me feel really guilty about not going out, because I know that it is all true.

Today isn't going to happen either so let's start again on Monday. I have been eating better. I started keeping track of what I eat over at SparkPeople. Some days are off the chart and other days are within the range. I think I have a handle on that now so maybe after this week off I can get a running start at another 25 pound lost. At least I have been maintaining and not gaining!

I need to get my motivation back instead of staying happy at this weight. Looking at the progress made by my friend Jenny ought to work! She has all but disappeared from photos - LOL You almost look like a different person!

I have races to run and I won't be able to do it if I don't lose some more weight.
The plan for every day:
1. Use the stairs as often as possible
2. Walk at least 2 miles at lunch
3. Walk/Run or Bike for an hour after work
4. Keep track of calories and portion control

Next week will be a better report. I promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA HA doesnt feel that way but thanks! I have sorta stalled out lately on the numbers but am losing more inches. I am lucky in thta we have a great gym if not for that I would NOT be out in the cold either. Plus they are great about brining the kids there and they can play B ball or watch tv in the lounge. I have one cheat day a week that I eat into the high range of my calories. I still have trouble eating 1600 calories these days unless I cheat and eat fries or something. You are doing great and I am sure you can run circles around me in the cow pastures of life. I can really move it on the elliptical but still can jog for more than five min. at a time. I started adding in weights and I think that is making the biggest diff lately. Good Luck and keep it up!